The formation of the NexGenAgriChem network, comprising 13 Early Stage Researchers (ESRs) and their Imperial College and Syngenta supervisors has been driven by the training activities and strengthened by synergies between each of the research projects. On completion of their PhDs, this will enable the ESRs to emerge with an established network and strong industry connections to draw upon.
The Institute of Chemical Biology (ICB), created in 2003 to facilitate the development of novel tools and technologies that could be applied to tackle biological challenges at a molecular level, currently comprises approximately 70 research groups and 150 postgraduate students. The NexGenAgriChem programme has been embedded within the ICB and has formed links with the students within the ICB Centre for Doctoral Training (ICB CDT). Joint activities with the ICB CDT have helped cement the cohort and have created a networked and integrated community. This has allowed the ESRs to help each other to contextualise their work within the wider scope of the ICB's activities, find novel solutions in their research and has already given rise to an evolving research programme amongst ESRs and their supervisors. In addition, the PhD students and their associated research groups benefit from an integrated and extensive network of peers and staff.